
Copyright 2011-2013 Gregory Holt

Currently provides a Client class and a command line tool for common Swift functions. Works both with access as a standard external user and as an internal administrator of a cluster with direct access to the rings and to all back end servers.

Source code available at <http://github.com/gholt/swiftly>

Note: If you sudo easy_install swiftly on Mac OS X, you may need to run sudo chmod -R og+r /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages in order to run swiftly.


Client Class Usage

Example as a standard end user:

from swiftly.client import Client
client = Client('',
                'test:tester', 'testing')
print client.head_account()

Example as a administrator direct user:

from swiftly.client import Client
client = Client(swift_proxy=True,
print client.head_account()

Command Line Tool Usage

Output from swiftly:

Usage: swiftly [options] <command> [command_options] [args]

  -?, --help            Shows this help text.
  --version             Shows the version of Swiftly.
  -h                    Shows this help text.
  -A URL, --auth-url=URL
                        URL to auth system, example:
               You can also set this
                        with the environment variable SWIFTLY_AUTH_URL.
  -U USER, --auth-user=USER
                        User name for auth system, example: test:tester You
                        can also set this with the environment variable
  -K KEY, --auth-key=KEY
                        Key for auth system, example: testing You can also set
                        this with the environment variable SWIFTLY_AUTH_KEY.
  -T TENANT, --auth-tenant=TENANT
                        Tenant name for auth system, example: test You can
                        also set this with the environment variable
                        SWIFTLY_AUTH_TENANT. If not specified and needed, the
                        auth user will be used.
                        Auth methods to use with the auth system, example: aut
                        You can also set this with the environment variable
                        SWIFTLY_AUTH_METHODS. Swiftly will try to determine
                        the best order for you; but if you notice it keeps
                        making useless auth attempts and that drives you
                        crazy, you can override that here. All the available
                        auth methods are listed in the example.
  --region=VALUE        Region to use, if supported by auth, example: DFW You
                        can also set this with the environment variable
                        SWIFTLY_REGION. Default: default region specified by
                        the auth response.
  -D PATH, --direct=PATH
                        Uses direct connect method to access Swift. Requires
                        access to rings and backend servers. The PATH is the
                        account path, example: /v1/AUTH_test You can also set
                        this with the environment variable SWIFTLY_DIRECT.
  -P URL, --proxy=URL   Uses the given proxy URL. You can also set this with
                        the environment variable SWIFTLY_PROXY.
  -S, --snet            Prepends the storage URL host name with "snet-".
                        Mostly only useful with Rackspace Cloud Files and
                        Rackspace ServiceNet. You can also set this with the
                        environment variable SWIFTLY_SNET (set to "true" or
  -R INTEGER, --retries=INTEGER
                        Indicates how many times to retry the request on a
                        server error. Default: 4. You can also set this with
                        the environment variable SWIFTLY_RETRIES.
  -C, --cache-auth      If set true, the storage URL and auth token are cached
                        in /tmp/<user>.swiftly for reuse. If there are already
                        cached values, they are used without authenticating
                        first. You can also set this with the environment
                        variable SWIFTLY_CACHE_AUTH (set to "true" or
  --cdn                 Directs requests to the CDN management interface.
                        Sets the the number of actions that can be done
                        simultaneously when possible (currently requires using
                        Eventlet too). Default: 1
  --eventlet            Enables Eventlet, if installed. This is disabled by
                        default if Eventlet is not installed or is less than
                        version 0.11.0 (because older Swiftly+Eventlet tends
                        to use excessive CPU.
  --no-eventlet         Disables Eventlet, even if installed and version
                        0.11.0 or greater.
  -v, --verbose         Causes output to standard error indicating actions
                        being taken. These output lines will be prefixed with
                        VERBOSE and will also include the number of seconds
                        elapsed since Swiftly started.
  auth                  Outputs auth information.
  delete [options] [path]
                        Issues a DELETE request of the [path] given.
  get [options] [path]  Outputs the resulting contents from a GET request of
                        the [path] given. If no [path] is given, a GET request
                        on the account is performed.
  head [options] [path] Outputs the resulting headers from a HEAD request of
                        the [path] given. If no [path] is given, a HEAD request
                        on the account is performed.
  help [command]        Outputs help information for the given [command] or
                        general help if no [command] is given.
  ping [options] [path] Runs a ping test against the account. The [path] will
                        be used as a prefix to the random container name used
                        (default: swiftly-ping).
  post [options] [path] Issues a POST request of the [path] given. If no [path]
                        is given, a POST request on the account is performed.
  put [options] [path]  Performs a PUT request on the <path> given. If the
                        <path> is an object, the contents for the object are
                        read from standard input.
  tempurl <method> <path> [seconds]
                        Outputs a TempURL using the information given. The
                        <path> should be to an object or object-prefix.
                        [seconds] defaults to 3600
  trans <x-trans-id-value>
                        Outputs information about the <x-trans-id-value> given,
                        such as the embedded transaction time.

Output from swiftly help auth:

Usage: swiftly [main_options] auth

For help on [main_options] run swiftly with no args.

Outputs auth information.

  -?, --help  Shows this help text.

Output from swiftly help delete:

Usage: swiftly [main_options] delete [options] [path]

For help on [main_options] run swiftly with no args.

Issues a DELETE request of the [path] given.

  -?, --help            Shows this help text.
                        Add a header to the request. This can be used multiple
                        times for multiple headers. Examples: -hx-some-header
                        :some-value -h "X-Some-Other-Header: Some other value"
  -q NAME[=VALUE], --query=NAME[=VALUE]
                        Add a query parameter to the request. This can be used
                        multiple times for multiple query parameters. Example:
  -i PATH, --input=PATH
                        Indicates where to read the DELETE request body from;
                        default is standard input. This is not normally used
                        with DELETE requests, so you must also specify -I if
                        you want the body sent.
  -I                    Since DELETEs do not normally take input, you must
                        specify this option if you wish them to read from the
                        input specified by -i (or the default standard input).
                        This is useful with -qbulk-delete requests. For
                        example: swiftly delete -qbulk-delete -Ii <my-bulk-
  --recursive           Normally a delete for a non-empty container will error
                        with a 409 Conflict; --recursive will first delete all
                        objects in a container and then delete the container
                        itself. For an account delete, all containers and
                        objects will be deleted (requires the --yes-i-mean-
                        empty-the-account option).
                        Required when issuing a delete directly on an account
                        with the --recursive option. This will delete all
                        containers and objects in the account without deleting
                        the account itself, leaving an empty account. THERE IS
                        NO GOING BACK!
                        Required when issuing a delete directly on an account.
                        Some Swift clusters do not support this. Those that do
                        will mark the account as deleted and immediately begin
                        removing the objects from the cluster in the
                        backgound. THERE IS NO GOING BACK!
  --ignore-404          Ignores 404 Not Found responses; the exit code will be
                        0 instead of 1.

Output from swiftly help get:

Usage: swiftly [main_options] get [options] [path]

For help on [main_options] run swiftly with no args.

Outputs the resulting contents from a GET request of the [path] given. If no
[path] is given, a GET request on the account is performed.

  -?, --help            Shows this help text.
  --headers             Output headers as well as the contents.
                        Add a header to the request. This can be used multiple
                        times for multiple headers. Examples: -hif-
                        match:6f432df40167a4af05ca593acc6b3e4c -h "If-
                        Modified-Since: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 20:03:38 GMT"
  -q NAME[=VALUE], --query=NAME[=VALUE]
                        Add a query parameter to the request. This can be used
                        multiple times for multiple query parameters. Example:
  -l LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT
                        For account and container GETs, this limits the number
                        of items returned. Without this option, all items are
                        returned, even if it requires several backend requests
                        to the gather the information.
  -d DELIMITER, --delimiter=DELIMITER
                        For account and container GETs, this sets the
                        delimiter for the listing retrieved. For example, a
                        container with the objects "abc/one", "abc/two", "xyz"
                        and a delimiter of "/" would return "abc/" and "xyz".
                        Using the same delimiter, but with a prefix of "abc/",
                        would return "abc/one" and "abc/two".
  -p PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX
                        For account and container GETs, this sets the prefix
                        for the listing retrieved; the items returned will all
                        match the PREFIX given.
  -m MARKER, --marker=MARKER
                        For account and container GETs, this sets the marker
                        for the listing retrieved; the items returned will
                        begin with the item just after the MARKER given (note:
                        the marker does not have to actually exist).
  -e MARKER, --end-marker=MARKER
                        For account and container GETs, this sets the end-
                        marker for the listing retrieved; the items returned
                        will stop with the item just before the MARKER given
                        (note: the marker does not have to actually exist).
  -f, --full            For account and container GETs, this will output
                        additional information about each item. For an account
                        GET, the items output will be bytes-used, object-
                        count, and container-name. For a container GET, the
                        items output will be bytes-used, last-modified-time,
                        etag, content-type, and object-name. Note that this is
                        mostly useless for --cdn queries; for those it is best
                        to just use --raw and parse the results yourself
                        (perhaps through "python -m json.tool").
  -r, --raw             For account and container GETs, this will return the
                        raw JSON from the request. This will only do one
                        request, even if subsequent requests would be needed
                        to return all items. Use a subsequent call with
                        --marker set to the last item name returned to get the
                        next batch of items, if desired.
  --all-objects         For an account GET, performs a container GET --all-
                        objects for every container returned by the original
                        account GET. For a container GET, performs a GET for
                        every object returned by that original container GET.
                        Any headers set with --header options are sent for
                        every GET. Any query parameter set with --query is
                        sent for every GET.
  -o PATH, --output=PATH
                        Indicates where to send the output; default is
                        standard output. If the PATH ends with a slash "/" and
                        --all-objects is used, each object will be placed in a
                        similarly named file inside the PATH given.
  --ignore-404          Ignores 404 Not Found responses. Nothing will be
                        output, but the exit code will be 0 instead of 1.
                        Sends the contents of each object downloaded as
                        standard input to the COMMAND given and outputs the
                        command's standard output as if it were the object's
                        contents. This can be useful in combination with
                        --all-objects to filter the objects before writing
                        them to disk; for instance, downloading logs,
                        gunzipping them, grepping for a keyword, and only
                        storing matching lines locally (--sub-command "gunzip
                        | grep keyword" or --sub-command "zgrep keyword" if
                        your system has that).

Output from swiftly help head:

Usage: swiftly [main_options] head [options] [path]

For help on [main_options] run swiftly with no args.

Outputs the resulting headers from a HEAD request of the [path] given. If no
[path] is given, a HEAD request on the account is performed.

  -?, --help            Shows this help text.
                        Add a header to the request. This can be used multiple
                        times for multiple headers. Examples: -hif-
                        match:6f432df40167a4af05ca593acc6b3e4c -h "If-
                        Modified-Since: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 20:03:38 GMT"
  -q NAME[=VALUE], --query=NAME[=VALUE]
                        Add a query parameter to the request. This can be used
                        multiple times for multiple query parameters. Example:
  --ignore-404          Ignores 404 Not Found responses. Nothing will be
                        output, but the exit code will be 0 instead of 1.

Output from swiftly help ping:

Usage: swiftly [main_options] ping [options] [path]

For help on [main_options] run swiftly with no args.

Runs a ping test against the account.
The [path] will be used as a prefix to the random container name used (default:

  -?, --help            Shows this help text.
  -v, --verbose         Outputs additional information as ping works.
                        Count of objects to create; default 1.
  -o OBJECT_RING, --object-ring=OBJECT_RING
                        The current object ring of the cluster being pinged.
                        This will enable output of which nodes are involved in
                        the object requests and their implied behavior. Use of
                        this also requires the main Swift code is installed
                        and importable.
  -l LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT
                        Limits the node output tables to LIMIT nodes.
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold=THRESHOLD
                        Changes the threshold for the final (average * x)
                        reports. This will define the value of x, defaults to

Output from swiftly help post:

Usage: swiftly [main_options] post [options] [path]

For help on [main_options] run swiftly with no args.

Issues a POST request of the [path] given. If no [path] is given, a POST
request on the account is performed.

  -?, --help            Shows this help text.
                        Add a header to the request. This can be used multiple
                        times for multiple headers. Examples: -hx-object-meta-
                        color:blue -h "Content-Type: text/html"
  -q NAME[=VALUE], --query=NAME[=VALUE]
                        Add a query parameter to the request. This can be used
                        multiple times for multiple query parameters. Example:
  -i PATH, --input=PATH
                        Indicates where to read the POST request body from;
                        default is standard input. This is not normally used
                        with Swift POST requests, so you must also specify -I
                        if you want the body sent.
  -I                    Since Swift POSTs do not normally take input, you must
                        specify this option if you wish them to read from the
                        input specified by -i (or the default standard input).
                        This is not known to be useful for anything yet.

Output from swiftly help put:

Usage: swiftly [main_options] put [options] [path]

For help on [main_options] run swiftly with no args.

Performs a PUT request on the <path> given. If the <path> is an object, the
contents for the object are read from standard input.

Special Note About Segmented Objects:

For object uploads exceeding the -s [size] (default: 5G) the object will be
uploaded in segments. At this time, auto-segmenting only works for objects
uploaded from source files -- objects sourced from standard input cannot exceed
the maximum object size for the cluster.

A segmented object is one that has its contents in several other objects. On
download, these other objects are concatenated into a single object stream.

Segmented objects can be useful to greatly exceed the maximum single object
size, speed up uploading large objects with concurrent segment uploading, and
provide the option to replace, insert, and delete segments within a whole
object without having to alter or reupload any of the other segments.

The main object of a segmented object is called the "manifest object". This
object just has an X-Object-Manifest header that points to another path where
the segments for the object contents are stored. For Swiftly, this header value
is auto-generated as the same name as the manifest object, but with "_segments"
added to the container name. This keeps the segments out of the main container
listing, which is often useful.

By default, Swift's dynamic large object support is used since it was
implemented first. However, if you prefix the [size] with an 's', as in '-s
s1048576' Swiftly will use static large object support. These static large
objects are very similar as described above, except the manifest contains a
static list of the object segments. For more information on the tradeoffs, see

  -?, --help            Shows this help text.
                        Add a header to the request. This can be used multiple
                        times for multiple headers. Examples: -hx-object-meta-
                        color:blue -h "Content-Type: text/html"
  -q NAME[=VALUE], --query=NAME[=VALUE]
                        Add a query parameter to the request. This can be used
                        multiple times for multiple query parameters. Example:
  -i PATH, --input=PATH
                        Indicates where to read the contents from; default is
                        standard input. If the PATH is a directory, all files
                        in the directory will be uploaded as similarly named
                        objects and empty directories will create
                        text/directory marker objects.
  -I                    Since account and container PUTs do not normally take
                        input, you must specify this option if you wish them
                        to read from the input specified by -i (or the default
                        standard input). This is useful with -qextract-
                        archive=<format> bulk upload requests. For example:
                        tar zc . | swiftly put -qextract-archive=tar.gz -I
  -n, --newer           For PUTs with an --input option, first performs a HEAD
                        on the object and compares the X-Object-Meta-Mtime
                        header with the modified time of the PATH obtained
                        from the --input option and then PUTs the object only
                        if the local time is newer. When the --input PATH is a
                        directory, this offers an easy way to upload only the
                        newer files since the last upload (at the expense of
                        HEAD requests). NOTE THAT THIS WILL NOT UPLOAD CHANGED
                        NEWER does not mean DIFFERENT.
  -d, --different       For PUTs with an --input option, first performs a HEAD
                        on the object and compares the X-Object-Meta-Mtime
                        header with the modified time of the PATH obtained
                        from the --input option and then PUTs the object only
                        if the local time is different. It will also check the
                        local and remote sizes and PUT if they differ.
                        ETag/MD5sum checking are not done (an option may be
                        provided in the future) since this is usually much
                        more disk intensive. When the --input PATH is a
                        directory, this offers an easy way to upload only the
                        differing files since the last upload (at the expense
                        of HEAD requests). NOTE THAT THIS CAN UPLOAD OLDER
                        FILES OVER NEWER ONES! DIFFERENT does not mean NEWER.
  -e, --empty           Indicates a zero-byte object should be PUT.
  -s BYTES, --segment-size=BYTES
                        Indicates the maximum size of an object before
                        uploading it as a segmented object. See full help text
                        for more information.

Output from swiftly help tempurl:

Usage: swiftly [main_options] tempurl <method> <path> [seconds]

For help on [main_options] run swiftly with no args.

Outputs a TempURL using the information given.
The <path> should be to an object or object-prefix.
[seconds] defaults to 3600

  -?, --help  Shows this help text.

Output from swiftly help trans:

Usage: swiftly [main_options] trans <x-trans-id-value>

For help on [main_options] run swiftly with no args.

Outputs information about the <x-trans-id-value> given, such as the embedded
transaction time.

  -?, --help  Shows this help text.

Indices and tables

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