Source code for swiftly.client.directclient

Provides a direct client by using loaded Swift Proxy Server code to
work with Swift.
Copyright 2011-2013 Gregory Holt

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import json
import StringIO

from swiftly.client.client import Client
from swiftly.client.utils import quote, headers_to_dict

[docs]class DirectClient(Client): """ Direct client by using loaded Swift Proxy Server code to work with Swift. :param swift_proxy: Default: None. If set, the swift.proxy.server.Application given will be used instead of creating a default Swift proxy application. :param swift_proxy_storage_path: The path to the Swift account to use (example: /v1/AUTH_test). :param swift_proxy_cdn_path: The path to the Swift account to use for CDN management (example: /v1/AUTH_test). :param attempts: The number of times to try requests if a server error occurs (5xx response). Default: 5 :param eventlet: Default: None. If True, Eventlet will be used if installed. If False, Eventlet will not be used even if installed. If None, the default, Eventlet will be used if installed and its version is at least 0.11.0 when a CPU usage bug was fixed. :param chunk_size: Maximum size to read or write at one time. :param verbose: Set to a ``func(msg, *args)`` that will be called with debug messages. Constructing a string for output can be done with msg % args. :param verbose_id: Set to a string you wish verbose messages to be prepended with; can help in identifying output when multiple Clients are in use. """ def __init__(self, swift_proxy=None, swift_proxy_storage_path=None, swift_proxy_cdn_path=None, attempts=5, eventlet=None, chunk_size=65536, verbose=None, verbose_id=''): super(DirectClient, self).__init__() self.storage_path = swift_proxy_storage_path self.cdn_path = swift_proxy_cdn_path self.attempts = attempts self.chunk_size = chunk_size if verbose: self.verbose = lambda m, *a, **k: verbose( self._verbose_id + m, *a, **k) else: self.verbose = lambda *a, **k: None self.verbose_id = verbose_id self._verbose_id = self.verbose_id if self._verbose_id: self._verbose_id += ' ' self.swift_proxy = swift_proxy if not swift_proxy: self.verbose('Creating default proxy instance.') import swift.proxy.server from swiftly.client.localmemcache import LocalMemcache from swiftly.client.nulllogger import NullLogger try: import swift.common.swob self.Request = swift.common.swob.Request except ImportError: import webob self.Request = webob.Request self.swift_proxy = swift.proxy.server.Application( {}, memcache=LocalMemcache(), logger=NullLogger()) if eventlet is None: try: import eventlet # Eventlet 0.11.0 fixed the CPU bug if eventlet.__version__ >= '0.11.0': eventlet = True except ImportError: pass if eventlet: try: import eventlet self.sleep = eventlet.sleep except ImportError: import time self.sleep = time.sleep else: import time self.sleep = time.sleep def _default_reset_func(self): raise Exception( 'Failure and no ability to reset contents for reupload.')
[docs] def request(self, method, path, contents, headers, decode_json=False, stream=False, query=None, cdn=False): """ See :py:func:`swiftly.client.client.Client.request` """ if query: path += '?' + '&'.join( ('%s=%s' % (quote(k), quote(v)) if v else quote(k)) for k, v in sorted(query.iteritems())) reset_func = self._default_reset_func if isinstance(contents, basestring): contents = StringIO.StringIO(contents) tell = getattr(contents, 'tell', None) seek = getattr(contents, 'seek', None) if tell and seek: try: orig_pos = tell() reset_func = lambda: seek(orig_pos) except Exception: tell = seek = None elif not contents: reset_func = lambda: None status = 0 reason = 'Unknown' attempt = 0 while attempt < self.attempts: attempt += 1 if cdn: conn_path = self.cdn_path else: conn_path = self.storage_path titled_headers = dict((k.title(), v) for k, v in { 'User-Agent': self.user_agent}.iteritems()) if headers: titled_headers.update( (k.title(), v) for k, v in headers.iteritems()) resp = None if not hasattr(contents, 'read'): if method not in self.no_content_methods and contents and \ 'Content-Length' not in titled_headers and \ 'Transfer-Encoding' not in titled_headers: titled_headers['Content-Length'] = str( len(contents or '')) req = self.Request.blank( conn_path + path, environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': method, 'swift_owner': True}, headers=titled_headers, body=contents) verbose_headers = ' '.join( '%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in titled_headers.iteritems()) self.verbose( '> %s %s %s', method, conn_path + path, verbose_headers) resp = req.get_response(self.swift_proxy) else: req = self.Request.blank( conn_path + path, environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': method, 'swift_owner': True}, headers=titled_headers) content_length = None for h, v in titled_headers.iteritems(): if h.lower() == 'content-length': content_length = int(v) req.headers[h] = v if method not in self.no_content_methods and \ content_length is None: titled_headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' req.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' else: req.content_length = content_length req.body_file = contents verbose_headers = ' '.join( '%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in titled_headers.iteritems()) self.verbose( '> %s %s %s', method, conn_path + path, verbose_headers) resp = req.get_response(self.swift_proxy) status = resp.status_int reason = resp.status.split(' ', 1)[1] hdrs = headers_to_dict(resp.headers.items()) if stream: def iter_reader(self, size=-1): if size == -1: return ''.join(resp.app_iter) else: try: return except StopIteration: return '' = iter_reader value = iter_reader else: value = resp.body self.verbose('< %s %s', status, reason) if status and status // 100 != 5: if not stream and decode_json and status // 100 == 2: if value: value = json.loads(value) else: value = None return (status, reason, hdrs, value) if reset_func: reset_func() self.sleep(2 ** attempt) raise Exception('%s %s failed: %s %s' % (method, path, status, reason))
[docs] def get_account_hash(self): """ See :py:func:`swiftly.client.client.Client.get_account_hash` """ return self.storage_path.rsplit('/', 1)[1]