Source code for swiftly.cli.put

Contains a CLICommand that can issue PUT requests.

Uses the following from :py:class:`swiftly.cli.context.CLIContext`:

===============  ====================================================
cdn              True if the CDN Management URL should be used
                 instead of the Storage URL.
client_manager   For connecting to Swift.
concurrency      The number of concurrent actions that can be
different        Set to True to check if the local file is different
                 than an existing object before uploading.
empty            Set to True if you wish to send an empty body with
                 the PUT rather than reading from the io_manager's
headers          A dict of headers to send.
input\_          A string representing where input should be obtained
                 from. If None, the io_manager's stdin will be used.
                 If a directory path is specified, a set of PUTs will
                 be generated for each item in the directory
                 structure. If a file path is specified, that single
                 file will be used as input.
io_manager       For directing output and obtaining input if needed.
newer            Set to True to check if the local file is newer than
                 an existing object before uploading.
query            A dict of query parameters to send.
seek             Where to seek to in the input\_ before uploading;
                 usually just used by recursive calls with segmented
segment_size     The max size of a file before switching to a
                 segmented object and the max size of each object
static_segments  Set to True to use static large object support
                 instead of dynamic large object support.
===============  ====================================================
Copyright 2011-2013 Gregory Holt

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import json
import os

from swiftly.cli.command import CLICommand, ReturnCode
from swiftly.concurrency import Concurrency
from swiftly.dencrypt import AES256CBC, aes_encrypt
from swiftly.filelikeiter import FileLikeIter

[docs]def cli_put_directory_structure(context, path): """ Performs PUTs rooted at the path using a directory structure pointed to by context.input\_. See :py:mod:`swiftly.cli.put` for context usage information. See :py:class:`CLIPut` for more information. """ if not context.input_: raise ReturnCode( 'called cli_put_directory_structure without context.input_ set') if not os.path.isdir(context.input_): raise ReturnCode( '%r is not a directory' % context.input_) if not path: raise ReturnCode( 'uploading a directory structure requires at least a container ' 'name') new_context = context.copy() new_context.input_ = None container = path.split('/', 1)[0] cli_put_container(new_context, container) ilen = len(context.input_) if not context.input_.endswith(os.sep): ilen += 1 conc = Concurrency(context.concurrency) for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(context.input_): if not dirnames and not filenames: new_context = context.copy() new_context.headers = dict(context.headers) new_context.headers['content-type'] = 'text/directory' new_context.headers['x-object-meta-mtime'] = \ '%f' % os.path.getmtime(context.input_) new_context.input_ = None new_context.empty = True new_path = path if path[-1] != '/': new_path += '/' new_path += dirpath[ilen:] for (exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, result) in \ conc.get_results().itervalues(): if exc_value: conc.join() raise exc_value conc.spawn(new_path, cli_put_object, new_context, new_path) else: for fname in filenames: new_context = context.copy() new_context.input_ = os.path.join(dirpath, fname) new_path = path if path[-1] != '/': new_path += '/' if dirpath[ilen:]: new_path += dirpath[ilen:] + '/' new_path += fname for (exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, result) in \ conc.get_results().itervalues(): if exc_value: conc.join() raise exc_value conc.spawn(new_path, cli_put_object, new_context, new_path) conc.join() for (exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, result) in \ conc.get_results().itervalues(): if exc_value: raise exc_value
[docs]def cli_put_account(context): """ Performs a PUT on the account. See :py:mod:`swiftly.cli.put` for context usage information. See :py:class:`CLIPut` for more information. """ body = None if context.input_: if context.input_ == '-': body = context.io_manager.get_stdin() else: body = open(context.input_, 'rb') with context.client_manager.with_client() as client: status, reason, headers, contents = client.put_account( headers=context.headers, query=context.query, cdn=context.cdn, body=body) if hasattr(contents, 'read'): if status // 100 != 2: raise ReturnCode('putting account: %s %s' % (status, reason))
[docs]def cli_put_container(context, path): """ Performs a PUT on the container. See :py:mod:`swiftly.cli.put` for context usage information. See :py:class:`CLIPut` for more information. """ path = path.rstrip('/') if '/' in path: raise ReturnCode('called cli_put_container with object %r' % path) body = None if context.input_: if context.input_ == '-': body = context.io_manager.get_stdin() else: body = open(context.input_, 'rb') with context.client_manager.with_client() as client: status, reason, headers, contents = client.put_container( path, headers=context.headers, query=context.query, cdn=context.cdn, body=body) if hasattr(contents, 'read'): if status // 100 != 2: raise ReturnCode( 'putting container %r: %s %s' % (path, status, reason))
[docs]def cli_put_object(context, path): """ Performs a PUT on the object. See :py:mod:`swiftly.cli.put` for context usage information. See :py:class:`CLIPut` for more information. """ if context.different and context.encrypt: raise ReturnCode( 'context.different will not work properly with context.encrypt ' 'since encryption may change the object size') put_headers = dict(context.headers) if context.empty: body = '' put_headers['content-length'] = '0' elif not context.input_ or context.input_ == '-': body = context.io_manager.get_stdin() elif is not None: if context.encrypt: raise ReturnCode( 'putting object %r: Cannot use encryption and' % path) body = open(context.input_, 'rb') else: l_mtime = os.path.getmtime(context.input_) l_size = os.path.getsize(context.input_) put_headers['content-length'] = str(l_size) if context.newer or context.different: r_mtime = None r_size = None with context.client_manager.with_client() as client: status, reason, headers, contents = client.head_object( *path.split('/', 1), headers=context.headers, query=context.query, cdn=context.cdn) if hasattr(contents, 'read'): if status // 100 == 2: r_mtime = headers.get('x-object-meta-mtime') if r_mtime: try: r_mtime = float(r_mtime) except ValueError: r_mtime = None r_size = headers.get('content-length') if r_size: try: r_size = int(r_size) except ValueError: r_size = None elif status != 404: raise ReturnCode( 'could not head %r for conditional check; skipping put: ' '%s %s' % (path, status, reason)) if context.newer and r_mtime is not None or l_mtime <= r_mtime: return if context.different and r_mtime is not None and \ l_mtime == r_mtime and r_size is not None and \ l_size == r_size: return put_headers['x-object-meta-mtime'] = '%f' % l_mtime size = os.path.getsize(context.input_) if size > context.segment_size: if context.encrypt: raise ReturnCode( 'putting object %r: Cannot use encryption for objects ' 'greater than the segment size' % path) new_context = context.copy() new_context.input_ = None new_context.headers = None new_context.query = None container = path.split('/', 1)[0] + '_segments' cli_put_container(new_context, container) prefix = container + '/' + path.split('/', 1)[1] prefix = '%s/%s/%s/' % (prefix, l_mtime, size) conc = Concurrency(context.concurrency) start = 0 segment = 0 path2info = {} while start < size: new_context = context.copy() new_context.headers = dict(context.headers) new_context.headers['content-length'] = str(min( size - start, context.segment_size)) = start new_path = '%s%08d' % (prefix, segment) for (ident, (exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, result)) in \ conc.get_results().iteritems(): if exc_value: conc.join() raise exc_value path2info[ident] = result conc.spawn( new_path, cli_put_object, new_context, new_path) segment += 1 start += context.segment_size conc.join() for (ident, (exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb, result)) in \ conc.get_results().iteritems(): if exc_value: raise exc_value path2info[ident] = result if context.static_segments: body = json.dumps([ {'path': '/' + p, 'size_bytes': s, 'etag': e} for p, (s, e) in sorted(path2info.iteritems())]) put_headers['content-length'] = str(len(body)) context.query['multipart-manifest'] = 'put' else: body = '' put_headers['content-length'] = '0' put_headers['x-object-manifest'] = prefix else: body = open(context.input_, 'rb') with context.client_manager.with_client() as client: if context.encrypt: content_length = put_headers.get('content-length') if content_length: content_length = int(content_length) if hasattr(body, 'read'): body = FileLikeIter(aes_encrypt( context.encrypt, body, preamble=AES256CBC, chunk_size=getattr(client, 'chunk_size', 65536), content_length=content_length)) else: body = FileLikeIter(aes_encrypt( context.encrypt, FileLikeIter([body]), preamble=AES256CBC, chunk_size=getattr(client, 'chunk_size', 65536), content_length=content_length)) if 'content-length' in put_headers: del put_headers['content-length'] container, obj = path.split('/', 1) status, reason, headers, contents = client.put_object( container, obj, body, headers=put_headers, query=context.query, cdn=context.cdn) if hasattr(contents, 'read'): contents = if status // 100 != 2: raise ReturnCode( 'putting object %r: %s %s %r' % (path, status, reason, contents)) if is not None: content_length = put_headers.get('content-length') etag = headers.get('etag') if content_length and etag: content_length = int(content_length) else: with context.client_manager.with_client() as client: container, obj = path.split('/', 1) status, reason, headers, contents = client.head_object( container, obj, cdn=context.cdn) if hasattr(contents, 'read'): contents = if status // 100 != 2: raise ReturnCode( 'heading object %r: %s %s %r' % (path, status, reason, contents)) content_length = headers.get('content-length') etag = headers.get('etag') if content_length: content_length = int(content_length) return content_length, etag
[docs]def cli_put(context, path): """ Performs a PUT on the item (account, container, or object). See :py:mod:`swiftly.cli.put` for context usage information. See :py:class:`CLIPut` for more information. """ path = path.lstrip('/') if path else '' if context.input_ and os.path.isdir(context.input_): return cli_put_directory_structure(context, path) if not path: return cli_put_account(context) elif '/' not in path.rstrip('/'): return cli_put_container(context, path) else: return cli_put_object(context, path)
[docs]class CLIPut(CLICommand): """ A CLICommand that can issue PUT requests. See the output of ``swiftly help put`` for more information. """ def __init__(self, cli): super(CLIPut, self).__init__( cli, 'put', max_args=1, usage=""" Usage: %prog [main_options] put [options] [path] For help on [main_options] run %prog with no args. Performs a PUT request on the <path> given. If the <path> is an object, the contents for the object are read from standard input. Special Note About Segmented Objects: For object uploads exceeding the -s [size] (default: 5G) the object will be uploaded in segments. At this time, auto-segmenting only works for objects uploaded from source files -- objects sourced from standard input cannot exceed the maximum object size for the cluster. A segmented object is one that has its contents in several other objects. On download, these other objects are concatenated into a single object stream. Segmented objects can be useful to greatly exceed the maximum single object size, speed up uploading large objects with concurrent segment uploading, and provide the option to replace, insert, and delete segments within a whole object without having to alter or reupload any of the other segments. The main object of a segmented object is called the "manifest object". This object just has an X-Object-Manifest header that points to another path where the segments for the object contents are stored. For Swiftly, this header value is auto-generated as the same name as the manifest object, but with "_segments" added to the container name. This keeps the segments out of the main container listing, which is often useful. By default, Swift's dynamic large object support is used since it was implemented first. However, if you prefix the [size] with an 's', as in '-s s1048576' Swiftly will use static large object support. These static large objects are very similar as described above, except the manifest contains a static list of the object segments. For more information on the tradeoffs, see""".strip()) self.option_parser.add_option( '-h', '-H', '--header', dest='header', action='append', metavar='HEADER:VALUE', help='Add a header to the request. This can be used multiple ' 'times for multiple headers. Examples: ' '-hx-object-meta-color:blue -h "Content-Type: text/html"') self.option_parser.add_option( '-q', '--query', dest='query', action='append', metavar='NAME[=VALUE]', help='Add a query parameter to the request. This can be used ' 'multiple times for multiple query parameters. Example: ' '-qmultipart-manifest=get') self.option_parser.add_option( '-i', '--input', dest='input_', metavar='PATH', help='Indicates where to read the contents from; default is ' 'standard input. If the PATH is a directory, all files in ' 'the directory will be uploaded as similarly named objects ' 'and empty directories will create text/directory marker ' 'objects. Use a dash (as in "-i -") to specify standard ' 'input for account and container PUTs, as those do not ' 'normally take input. This is useful with ' '-qextract-archive=<format> bulk upload requests. For ' 'example: tar zc . | swiftly put -qextract-archive=tar.gz -i ' '- container') self.option_parser.add_option( '-n', '--newer', dest='newer', action='store_true', help='For PUTs with an --input option, first performs a HEAD on ' 'the object and compares the X-Object-Meta-Mtime header with ' 'the modified time of the PATH obtained from the --input ' 'option and then PUTs the object only if the local time is ' 'newer. When the --input PATH is a directory, this offers an ' 'easy way to upload only the newer files since the last ' 'upload (at the expense of HEAD requests). NOTE THAT THIS ' 'WILL NOT UPLOAD CHANGED FILES THAT DO NOT HAVE A NEWER ' 'LOCAL MODIFIED TIME! NEWER does not mean DIFFERENT.') self.option_parser.add_option( '-d', '--different', dest='different', action='store_true', help='For PUTs with an --input option, first performs a HEAD on ' 'the object and compares the X-Object-Meta-Mtime header with ' 'the modified time of the PATH obtained from the --input ' 'option and then PUTs the object only if the local time is ' 'different. It will also check the local and remote sizes ' 'and PUT if they differ. ETag/MD5sum checking are not done ' '(an option may be provided in the future) since this is ' 'usually much more disk intensive. When the --input PATH is ' 'a directory, this offers an easy way to upload only the ' 'differing files since the last upload (at the expense of ' 'HEAD requests). NOTE THAT THIS CAN UPLOAD OLDER FILES OVER ' 'NEWER ONES! DIFFERENT does not mean NEWER.') self.option_parser.add_option( '-e', '--empty', dest='empty', action='store_true', help='Indicates a zero-byte object should be PUT.') self.option_parser.add_option( '-s', '--segment-size', dest='segment_size', metavar='BYTES', help='Indicates the maximum size of an object before uploading it ' 'as a segmented object. See full help text for more ' 'information.') self.option_parser.add_option( '--encrypt', dest='encrypt', metavar='KEY', help='Will encrypt the uploaded object data with KEY. This ' 'currently uses AES 256 in CBC mode but other algorithms may ' 'be offered in the future. You may specify a single dash "-" ' 'as the KEY and instead the KEY will be loaded from the ' 'SWIFTLY_CRYPT_KEY environment variable.') def __call__(self, args): options, args, context = self.parse_args_and_create_context(args) context.headers = self.options_list_to_lowered_dict(options.header) context.query = self.options_list_to_lowered_dict(options.query) context.input_ = options.input_ context.segment_size = options.segment_size context.static_segments = False if context.segment_size and context.segment_size[0].lower() == 's': context.static_segments = True context.segment_size = context.segment_size[1:] context.segment_size = int( context.segment_size or 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) if context.segment_size < 1: raise ReturnCode('invalid segment size %s' % options.segment_size) context.empty = options.empty context.newer = options.newer context.different = options.different context.encrypt = options.encrypt if context.encrypt == '-': context.encrypt = os.environ.get('SWIFTLY_CRYPT_KEY') if not context.encrypt: raise ReturnCode( 'A single dash "-" was given as the encryption key, but ' 'no key was found in the SWIFTLY_CRYPT_KEY environment ' 'variable.') if context.encrypt and context.different: raise ReturnCode( '--different will not work properly with --encrypt since ' 'encryption may change the object size') path = args.pop(0).lstrip('/') if args else None return cli_put(context, path)