Implementation DetailsΒΆ

The Swauth system is a scalable authentication and authorization system that uses Swift itself as its backing store. This section will describe how it stores its data.

At the topmost level, the auth system has its own Swift account it stores its own account information within. This Swift account is known as self.auth_account in the code and its name is in the format self.reseller_prefix + “.auth”. In this text, we’ll refer to this account as <auth_account>.

The containers whose names do not begin with a period represent the accounts within the auth service. For example, the <auth_account>/test container would represent the “test” account.

The objects within each container represent the users for that auth service account. For example, the <auth_account>/test/bob object would represent the user “bob” within the auth service account of “test”. Each of these user objects contain a JSON dictionary of the format:

{"auth": "<auth_type>:<auth_value>", "groups": <groups_array>}

The <auth_type> can only be plaintext at this time, and the <auth_value> is the plain text password itself.

The <groups_array> contains at least two groups. The first is a unique group identifying that user and it’s name is of the format <user>:<account>. The second group is the <account> itself. Additional groups of .admin for account administrators and .reseller_admin for reseller administrators may exist. Here’s an example user JSON dictionary:

{"auth": "plaintext:testing",
 "groups": ["name": "test:tester", "name": "test", "name": ".admin"]}

To map an auth service account to a Swift storage account, the Service Account Id string is stored in the X-Container-Meta-Account-Id header for the <auth_account>/<account> container. To map back the other way, an <auth_account>/.account_id/<account_id> object is created with the contents of the corresponding auth service’s account name.

Also, to support a future where the auth service will support multiple Swift clusters or even multiple services for the same auth service account, an <auth_account>/<account>/.services object is created with its contents having a JSON dictionary of the format:

{"storage": {"default": "local", "local": <url>}}

The “default” is always “local” right now, and “local” is always the single Swift cluster URL; but in the future there can be more than one cluster with various names instead of just “local”, and the “default” key’s value will contain the primary cluster to use for that account. Also, there may be more services in addition to the current “storage” service right now.

Here’s an example .services dictionary at the moment:

    {"default": "local",
     "local": ""}}

But, here’s an example of what the dictionary may look like in the future:

    {"default": "dfw",
     "dfw": "",
     "ord": "",
     "sat": ""},
    {"default": "dfw",
     "dfw": "",
     "ord": "",
     "sat": ""}}

Lastly, the tokens themselves are stored as objects in the <auth_account>/.token_[0-f] containers. The names of the objects are the token strings themselves, such as AUTH_tked86bbd01864458aa2bd746879438d5a. The exact .token_[0-f] container chosen is based on the final digit of the token name, such as .token_a for the token AUTH_tked86bbd01864458aa2bd746879438d5a. The contents of the token objects are JSON dictionaries of the format:

{"account": <account>,
 "user": <user>,
 "account_id": <account_id>,
 "groups": <groups_array>,
 "expires": <time.time() value>}

The <account> is the auth service account’s name for that token. The <user> is the user within the account for that token. The <account_id> is the same as the X-Container-Meta-Account-Id for the auth service’s account, as described above. The <groups_array> is the user’s groups, as described above with the user object. The “expires” value indicates when the token is no longer valid, as compared to Python’s time.time() value.

Here’s an example token object’s JSON dictionary:

{"account": "test",
 "user": "tester",
 "account_id": "AUTH_8980f74b1cda41e483cbe0a925f448a9",
 "groups": ["name": "test:tester", "name": "test", "name": ".admin"],
 "expires": 1291273147.1624689}

To easily map a user to an already issued token, the token name is stored in the user object’s X-Object-Meta-Auth-Token header.

Here is an example full listing of an <auth_account>:


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